Summer is here today and my summer holidays start tomorrow! Whee! The plan is to fly to Berlin for a week and hang with friends and then head cross country by train to Alsace where a group of us will collect and ride in the Vosges Mountains for a week of fun, with lots of wine-tasting as well as hill climbing. We have our official Tour d'Alsace 2007 t-shirts from the Retro Image Apparel Company (thanks, Roger, for the fast work!) and are mentally set to ride the Ballon d'Alsace, the first mountain ever included in the Tour de France. (The French text on the poster design says: "She climbs everything!")
The following week will see a different group of us in Bad Krozingen, near the Black Forest metropolis of Freiburg in Germany for yet more cycling and wine-tasting. Looking forward to great weather, great riding and great company. And you, faithful readers of the Tin Donkey, will get to see lots of photos on my return.
And the big mystery: will I return from Europe still a contender in the Fat Cyclist B7 Challenge or will the pastries and wine do me in? Stay tuned!
I am jealous beyond words.
With good reason. Yesterday I feasted on chanterelle mushrooms and enjoyed a cool half-liter of Bavarian beer, from the keg and costing $2. And there is fresh strawberry cake to enjoy as well. The bike came through perfectly, so all is good with the world.
Woohoo!! Welcome to Europe Leslie!
See you Sunday! Can't wait
J'ai oublier te feliciter.
J'aime beaucoup le design.
I forgot to congratulate you. I love the design - VERY retro french.
First test ride of the Tarmac went beautifully as I toured historic central Berlin for an hour in lovely warm evening air. Superb, although I think I was on the only racing bike in the city from the looks of things. I am really looking forward to riding in the countryside and plan to get out of Berlin with Andrew C. of Squadra Coppi on Tuesday morning if the weather holds.
The shirts do look great, but I think that is more Retro Image's doing than mine. We will stand out! Alors, merci beacoup pour des compliments.
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