Friday, 20 June 2008

Wim van Est: Video of the 1951 Tour de France

Fishing Wim van Est out of the ravine

Since lots of people were interested in the video of Frank Schleck going over the guardrail, I did some looking and found video of Wim van Est, falling into a ravine while wearing the Yellow Jersey in 1951. There was no guardrail there and the drop was huge. Wim, nicknamed "Iron William" for seemingly good reasons, had to be persuaded to go to the hospital, apparently, since he felt okay.

I cannot embed the video on my blog but it can be linked here. The video is supplied by ina, the French l'institut national de l'audiovisual. ina has a website and apparently has over 1,000 videos of the Tour de France for purchase and download, either on a 48 hour rental basis or permanently, for a reasonable cost. I was looking around on the site and watched Fausto Coppi at the 1952 Tour riding out of Bourg d'Oisans. Cool!


Will said...


That's exactly the crash i was thinking of when Frank went flying.

Nice link to the old videos!

Donald said...

Great find... I had also been searching for Bruyneel's crash in the 1995 Tour but could't find it anywhere. Let me know if you come across it. In his book he talked about a TV camera being right there. I was also looking for his Stage 7 victory over Indurain.