Sunday, 1 June 2008

Saturday Ride: home again fast...

The day began with pouring rain and thunderstorms and continued into the afternoon. I spent my time usefully, cleaning bike parts and reassembling the Marinoni, fresh from its visit to the factory for refinishing. The bike shop around the corner will do the final work for me around June 13th, as I discovered when I walked over there in blazing sunshine and some humidity.

Returning home, I saddled up the Tarmac and decided to ride the Ottawa bicycle path loop, which I have not done since my return to Ottawa in September. Things started out well with a cruise through Rockcliffe Park and then I had smooth sailing on the path but by the time I reached Hog's Back it was clear that the thunderstorms were on their way back. I turned around and hustled home, only getting moderately wet. Since I had spent two hours cleaning up the Tarmac on Monday I was happy I did not have to do it again. 30 kms: better than nothing.

1 comment:

Donald said...

30 kms is better than nothing. I feel better if I can get out for just a short ride and beat the rain... a double accomplishment. I took your approach and hooked up with a group ride on vacation this past week. It was in Ormond Beach... fast and fun. I found out about it from my massage therapist three days before. She rides it all the time and she was right a great group and pretty ride. Glad I joined.