Wednesday, 7 January 2009

My Excellent Dutch Diary

One of my colleagues, Vancouver of that Ilk, stopped by my office today to present me with an enchanting 2009 diary/agenda book he had received from the Royal Netherlands Embassy. Not only does it show all the days of the year and all of the months in four languages, but it has a bicycling theme. Since it is called "By Bike--Holland Agenda 2009" I suppose this is not all that surprising. There is an introduction by Olympic gold medallist Leontien van Moorsel, and a wonderful range of big photos featuring different aspects of cycling in the Netherlands: scenery, history, sports, utility. Great fun, and it even comes with its own logo-ed bag. This starts the year off right, and I plan to actually fill in all the exciting things I do this year and attempt that other long-standing resolution of Keeping a Journal.

A great photograph: a Dutch brass band in traditional costume (including wooden shoes) mounted on bicycles

Although I have ridden in the Netherlands just once, it was a very memorable event: the Eleven City Tour of Friesland, with 15,000 participants riding more than 200 kms. Everyone was very hospitable and I had a great time!


sarah said...

How fun! And inspiring all year long =)

Btw, thanks for the trainer workout suggestions in my blog comments. It really helps as this is my first winter making a real effort to get the most out of the trainer!

Groover said...

What a nice present! I just hope you won't neglect your blog while riding all your adventures into the old fashion diary. :-)

Shame the photo is out of focus. I can't imagine how one would be able to ride with clogs? You reckon the Dutch have clogs with cleats?

Sprocketboy said...

I really have to scan the photo of the Dutch cycling band! Knowing what strong cyclists the Dutch are, they probably have those clogs epoxied to the pedals!

Will said...

That's pretty cool

You have to fill it up now!